Action F.1: Project management and monitoring of project progress (administrative, technical and financial)
The well-prepared project management staff ensuring the sound management and administration of the project started work in the course of aninternal project kick-off meeting on 2nd September 2013. After procuring the external project management company, the project is actively supported by the subcontracted expert.
Action F.2: Steering Committee
The Steering Committee has regular meetings as follows:
02/09/2013 - inaugural meeting, agreement on operational rules
11/04/2014 - decision on initiating the amendment to the grant agreement (due to the delay in planning activities)
28/01/2015 - information on the activities performed in 2014, agreement on the workplan for 2015, accelerating the permit procedures
06/07/2015 - decision on implementing conservation actions in two phases, the elaboration of the project report due in 2015
04/02/2016 - information on the activities performed in 2015, agreement on the workplan for 2016, decisions necessary for creating the educational trail
07/11/2016 - information on the steps for the option of requesting the prolongation of the project implementation period, information on the project report due in 2017
16/01/2017 - information on the activities performed in 2016, agreement on the workplan for 2017
17/03/2017 - decision on the date of the International conference, information on the steps for the option of requesting the prolongation of the project implementation period, information on the deadlines and tasks of elaborating the project progress report, information on the visit of the representatives of the EC
Action F.3: Training, workshops and meetings for the project beneficiaries' staff
The first training was implemented on 5th December 2013.
The second training was held 21st March 2014.
Action F.4: Networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects
- KASZÓ took part in a seminar on treatment of invasive species on 14-15 October 2013 in Bugyi.
- As an affected partner, KASZÓ participated in a meeting on a planned LIFE project, held in Hajdúhadház on 24th June 2014.
- On 24-26 March 2015 the XII. Nature Conservation Seminar was held in Túrkeve, where NAIK-ERTI and KASZÓ staff took part in the courses; in the LIFE section KASZÓ presented the KASZÓ-LIFE project.
- On a meeting about the LIFE project „Protection of the red-footed falcon in the Carpathian Basin” coworkers from NAIK-ERTI and KASZÓ participated and got information about the project on 24th April 2015 in Tarnaszentmiklós.
- On 17th September 2015 a Spanish institute contacted KASZÓ to give a declaration of support to our planned project. The two organizations could develop a cooperation in the future.
- On 31st January 2016 the representatives of KASZÓ have been participated in a workshop, where the experiences of the LIFE projects have been shared with each other.
- Between 19th and 21st April 2016 a national conference have been organized at Budapest, in connection with the clearing of the invasive plants. During the first two days presentations were being held, while on the third day there was a field programme for the introduction of the LIFE project "Turjánvidék".
- On 28th April 2016 a so called round-table discussion has been organized, in connection with the reticulation of Natura 2000, within the frames of LIFE in Forests project. At the meeting there was an opportunity to introduce the KASZÓ-LIFE project.
- The Spanish institution contacted us again for requesting our declaration of support for the submission of their revised project proposal.
- The first networking event with a foreign LIFE+ initiative was implemented between 13-15th September 2016.
- Conference in Sopron on sustainable forest management (LIFEinFORESTS - LIFE13 INF/HU/001163)
- "Improvement of the water supply of gallery forests, swamps and grasslands - The KASZÓ-LIFE project", Forum Forest and Water, Ministry of Agriculture, Budapest
- "Improvement of water habitats - KASZÓ-LIFE as good practice" Seminar of the National Forestry Association, Szombathely
Action F.5: External audit
Action F.6: After-LIFE Conservation Plan
Action F.7: Potential synergy LIFE-KEOP
The KEOP-3.1.2/2F/09-11-2013-0026 project ended on 15th June 2015.