A group from our company payed a visit to the Spanish LIFE Alnus project in the beginning of December. After presenting on the KASZÓ-LIFE project we could gain insight into the LIFE Anus project which aims to find an effective method to protect and rehabilitate alder forests on riverbanks. Another perspective of the project is to find a model that can be implemented in Mediterranean countries and helps preventing the shrinking of alder forests.
LIFE Alnus project’s goal is to implement conservation and restoration actions that serve as a model and are transferable to the rest of the Catalan and Mediterranean basins suffering from the same conservation issues as these riverside areas.
Out in the field we visited some river sections where work is ongoing. On each site the problems were demonstrated as well as the methods aiming to solve them. Visiting the project proved to be useful since we could exchange our experience and findings. We hope to keep in contact with our Spanish partners in the future.