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With the project for LIFE16 NAT/HU/000599 - OAKEYLIFE "Multilevel and multisite complex restauration of key ecosystem services of the calcareous sand forest steppe habitat" the KEFAG Kiskunság Forestry and Wood Industry company visited KASZÓ Zrt. We assisted them with administrative tasks related to the application, and then we went out to the KASZÓ-LIFE project area together and showed them the kinds of conservation intervention actions that we had made at the sites.
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In 2017, KASZÓ Zrt was the location of the National Forestry Association’s 148th meeting. One of the professional field programs was the presentation of the KASZÓ-LIFE project, where forestry experts from all over the country came to know the project goals, the work done, and the results achieved so far.
Following the greeting and general information presented by László Horváth, the tour started from Lake Kűvölgy #1, then proceeded along the Forestry educational path touching Lakes #2 and #3. At the stops, Kitti Szalai talked about the tasks that had been performed at each site. Following this, the colleagues of NAIK ERTI talked about surveys and the survey results in the monitoring areas. During the viewing of Lake #4, the works performed on invasive species extermination and on Lakes Bükk and Baláta were presented. For the last stop, the participants were able to view a mederbor. The program completed by returning to Lake Kűvölgy #1.
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On the occasion of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the LIFE program, we visited the local elementary school, where a class had come from on May 24th, 2017, for a birthday party connected with a tour.
Children passed through the 10 stops of the "Erdőkerülő" education trail to get to know the KASZÓ-LIFE project, forestry tasks, nature conservation, and wildlife management.
The damp weather did not dampen their spirits, they listened to the presentation very attentively, and eating the birthday cake further raised their spirits.
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Inspectors came from Brussels to check on the implementation of the project. Rauma Paivi reviewed the financial accounts, László Bécsy examined the professional side, and in addition an external monitoring expert, Dr. Zsuzsanna Kocsis-Kupper, and the Ministry of Agriculture’s Dr. Ildikó Varga and Veronika Bokor participated in the event. The audit was greatly aided by the help of Lábodi Consulting Kft. In the morning we presented the progress in the form of a presentation, and in the afternoon we visited the project sites.
The implementation and administration of the project were also found to be good on the side of NAIK ERTI and KASZÓ Zrt.
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We sent the progress report to the Committee and the external monitoring expert.
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Brochures, flyers and maps about the project were printed, which will be given to visitors.