Action A.1: Procurement procedures
A procurement expert will be subcontracted in the action. The expert will be responsible for procuring the services for technical planning and technical supervision of concrete conservation actions (Actions C.1-C.7). Choosing the appropriate service provider for the transportation of matters and waste generated and collected during the performing of conservation actions, and also subcontracting the external project management company forms the integral part of this action.
Both beneficiaries will procure equipment: GPS + software, digital camera, laptop, laminar boxes for inoculation purposes, Canon flash and Canon 100mm macrolense, binocular, PDAs, memory cards, mobile Winchesters with USB, meteorological station equipped with sensors, data collectors and software, and projector.
Action A.2: Technical planning:
In the framework of this action KASZO will entitle an external expert (subcontracted in action A.1) to carry out the relevant technical planning activities of the project. The following technical plans will be elaborated as precursors to conservation actions:
Landscape planning for the reconstruction of Lake Bükk (Action C.1)
Landscape planning for the conservation of Lake Baláta (Action C.2)
Landscape planning for the reconstruction enlargement of Lake Kűvölgy #3 (Action C.4)
Landscape planning for the reconstruction enlargement of Lake Kűvölgy #4 (Action C.5)
Landscape planning for the retention of watercourses (Action C.6)
Action A.3: Permit procedures
In order to start and implement concrete conservation actions, this action serves the aim of obtaining the necessary permits. As per the project proposal the environmental permission from the authority (Dél-Dunántúli Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Igazgatóság) to carry out the proposed conservation actions, and the operating licence extended for Lakes Kűvölgy #1 and #2 shall be obtained.
Action A.4: Stakeholder consultations
The project will involve stakeholders and other land owners and communicate the project’s potential impact on them to avoid possible opposition - as follows:
- Nature protection, environmental experts at Governmental Organisations (National Park, DDKÖVIZIG, ect.): one-on-one meetings, conciliations; ~ 6 persons
- Nature protection and environmentalist civil organisations, other non-governmental organisations: one-on-one meetings, public information meetings; ~ 20
- Local farmers: one-on-one meetings, public information meetings; ~ 10 persons
- Educational institutions: information through newsletters, media, public information meeting and guided tours; ~ 5 teachers
- Local community (Municipality of Kaszó): information through newsletters, media, public information meeting and guided tours; ~ 1 (mayor)
- General public from the surrounding settlements, cities (Somogyszob, Csurgó, Nagyatád, Nagykanizsa): information through newsletters, media, public information meeting and guided tours; ~ 4 mayors
- Scientist community (forestry, water management): information through newsletters, publications in scientific media;