The third monitoring visit was taken place on 7th November 2016.

On purpose to view the progress of the project, Zsuzsanna Kocsis-Kopper has visited the Kaszó Forestry Stock Company.
The co-workers of the NAIK-ERTI and the KASZÓ Zrt., who are participated in the project have introduced the financial and the physical advancement, as well.


                        Monitoring place                                                                         Lake Kűvölgy #1 and #2                                                                   Bottom step

On 11 October 2016 the "Magyar Fejlesztési Központ" made an interview about the project, including footages of the construction sites. The material will be avaiable through their website.



During 13-15 September 2016. representatives of KASZÓ Zrt. visited the LIFE+ Ausseerland project hosted by the Österreichische Bundesforste. They were introduced to the different habitat improvement to protect the aquatic organisms, primarily the stone crayfish, the yellow-bellied toad and the Italian crested newt. The representatives were able to see the methods used in that project to: convert the forests to mixed species in order to increase their stability and diversity; prevent the forestation of certain areas; and to reserve the drying out of the muskeg.


A short video in German used to introduce the project on our first networking visit is available on the following link:


The first guided excursion took place on 28 July 2016. Staff from KASZÓ Zrt. and NAIK-ERTI led the approximately 60 visitors, divided into two groups, on the „Erdőkerülő tanösvény” built as a part of the the KASZÓ-LIFE project.



A technical evaluation, with focus on the the supression of invasive species, was held in cooperation with ZALAERDŐ Zrt. The work carried out at the Kűvölgyi lakes and forests affected with the supression were shown to those present.