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On 2020.06.12, the weather station was inspected by ERTI's staff, the rainfall measuring vessel was cleaned, and silica gel sachets were placed to protect the instrument.
The weather station is inspected every three months.
Station is expected to be part of the climate change impact analysis carried out by NAIK-ERTI.
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Measurement data from automatic groundwater probes deployed between October 21-22, 2019 were read on May 21, 2020. Based on the measurement data, the change of the groundwater level can be displayed on a graph from the height of the groundwater level and the elapsed. The instrument updates the data every 15 minutes in all 14 sample areas. The instruments were also checked, each probe was in good condition and suitable for further measurements.
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In connection with the LIFE project, between 21 and 22 October 2019, automatic groundwater probes were installed in groundwater monitoring wells, by ERTI. Automatic measurements are performed in 14 sample areas, replacing manual measurements. The probes measure the actual groundwater level every 15 minutes, which is stored in memory, so data can be read at any time. We check the condition of the devices every year with the help of ERTI.
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Members of the KASZÓ-LIFE project consortium will continue their cooperation after the project period, during which the NAIK-ERTI carried out a status survey between 26-30 August 2019.
They have recorded 14 sampling areas, examining the health status of the trees, as well as the meteorological station created during the creation of the KASZÓ-LIFE project is still in operation and we are monitoring the water level of the groundwater wells weekly.
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The Summer Forester Camp is organized every year by KASZÓ Zrt. there was no change this year either.
One day at the camp, the children visited the Kűlvögyi-Lakes, where they were led by project manager László Horváth on the Erdőkerülő Walkway created as part of the KASZÓ-LIFE project.
During the short tour, the children got to know the life and work of foresters and to get an insight into the goals and achievements of KASZÓ-LIFE. At the end of the day, they cooked a wild stew in a cheerful mood.
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The KASZÓ-LIFE project, successfully completed on December 31, 2018, organized a professional day on forest exploration and its results.
On April 24, 2019, nearly 50 forester gathered at the Kaszó Ecological Center, representing forestry authorities, companion forestry and KASZÓ Zrt.
László Horváth project manager from KASZÓ Zrt. opened the event, highlighted the importance of forest exploration, then Dr. Gábor Kovács and Dr. Bálint Heil, as the experts responsible for site exploration, presented the methodology and results of the survey.
The nearly one-and-a-half-hour lecture was followed by a field demonstration detailing the 5 most common types of genetic soil on a 1,800-hectare site. In addition to providing a wealth of useful information, experts pointed out that the positive effects of excess water on future forests in the increasingly dry periods of climate change, which is essentially the objective of the KASZÓ-LIFE project.